Tuesday, December 11, 2012



                With three TWEEN girls, you would think I have some help around the house. I mean they do have chores, are supposed to do their own laundry (can you find the key word there?), and clean their own rooms. You would, then, wonder why I have so much stress when cleaning the house. It might have something to do with the fact that I have three very busy girls and I am a complete softie. You see with sports, church, youth group and other random things that ‘come up’; I sometimes give them an out on their jobs.
They all rotate between the kitchen, bathrooms, and living room. I believe the kitchen is the hardest, so I will help with that but they have to get it started before I jump in. I can get the whole thing cleaned and dishes in the DISHWASHER in less than 30 minutes. I haven’t figured out how it takes 3 hours for a fourteen year old to do the same, yes no hand-washing if it fits, hence my confusion. Sydney, 11, can get the closest to my 30 minute time. However she does need help putting anything up in the upper cabinets since she is just over 48 inches herself. That is unless she climbs onto the counters like she is wont to do if I am not looking. (I get visions of horrific falls and flashing blue lights when she does this.)
Courtney is somewhere in the middle on chores. Her room stays clean and laundry done if she can’t find that special shirt she needs for tomorrow. She does a fantastic job with the living room and good on the kitchen, as long as there is music available. We have tried giving them assigned chores. This sounds great on paper, but works for approximately 1 week. Whining, complaining, goofing off and just plain refusal are what happen until intervention is necessary. So now they rotate daily. Kitchen is the hardest; bathroom(s), are easiest and then living room. If they don’t complete that days’ chore…everyone does the same one the next day. This is great for the person with the bathroom if the person on kitchen duty doesn’t get done.
Now you are probably wondering why I subject myself to this stress. If I am able to finish all three rooms in under an hour, why not do it myself? I’ll tell you. I work 40 hours a week, drive 52 miles to and from work and am the chauffeur for three girls among other things. My husband is also able to clean, but he is a full time student and a substitute teacher. Also, if we were to clean and do their laundry, what happens when they leave home? I believe they need to know this stuff. I do not want them coming back because they can’t. My mom has apologized to my husband for never teaching me to cook and clean. I make an inefficient housewife, but Kenny says my cuteness makes up for that.
So I pray, do deep breathing relaxation techniques, and stand firm. If dinner is very late and homework needs completed after a long practice…they get a pass till tomorrow. Me and my adorable husband grumble and goof off through them and everyone has a late night. When they do get everything done and homework completed before 8pm, we pop some popcorn and have movie night!
Till next time….

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Father's Day

     With Father's Day coming up soon, I have to think about what to get my husband. My girls also want to get him something. They usually "give" daddy something that I picked out or something they made. They all have chores and odd jobs now and want to get something for him from them. I am trying to convince them that they should put their money together.

     I always make him a pie (pumpkin), or cake (german chocolate) that he gets to share or not. Usually fishing or golf items are the range of presents. We already sent him to the Red's game so that is out. The girls and I are having a pow-wow this evening to decide.

     My oldest is headed to camp on Sunday! She is so very excited since this is her first camp. We get to pack tomorrow evening. These girls are keeping me hopping. Cheer Practice twice a week, golf camp, band camp, soccer, camp, volunteering,.....they are sooo busy!

     I am having fun though, they are staying active and not bored for one summer. Although, I will never understand how children can get bored with 3+acres, a pool, bikes and a quiet country neighborhood to play in?

     Well I suppose I have rambled enough for the day. Back next week!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Yes, that's why they call me MOM. Mean Ol' Mom".

     As a child my mother used to tell me she was the meanest mommy in the world. Whenever I would call her mean, she would just say "Yes, that's why they call me MOM. Mean Ol' Mom".

     I know we all said we would never turn into our mothers, but then we find ourselves saying the same things they did. At what point did I turn into her? I guess when it's all said and done she must have known what she was doing, sometimes...

     As the mother of three 'TWEEN' girls, I am trying to let other MOM's in on the mistakes that I have made so maybe they can try to learn from me. I also hope to pass on some of my limited knowledge on the things that turned out right and maybe you can share with me too. I know it takes a village, and I truly think we might not feel so lost and helpless if we have that village to turn to.

     I am married to a wonderful man, who helps as only he can. I have a lovely mom and three sisters. My dad even gives his input when he thinks it is needed. ;) I think between all of us and my extensive family I might be able to answer questions, give input and just listen. I also will take all the free advice I can get from anyone out there who has a clue what TWEEN girls are thinking these days.

     Bye for now.....ladybug;)