Wednesday, June 4, 2014

She’s allergic to what???

She’s allergic to what???

I spent the month of April this year off work. Tiny started feeling bad and it progressed to full on PAIN. It killed me to see her like that. We saw 3 doctors and had 9 test and an upper and lower GI scope done. Finally found the problem.

She has Celiac disease. Which means what exactly? It is an autoimmune disease that causes her body to attack itself because it sees her small intestine as the same as gluten. And to her gluten is BAD! Then we find out it is genetic and now the family needs checked. Well needless to say the whole family is going gluten free.

It is hard to explain to a 12 year old why she can’t have pancakes when everyone else can. Our first attempt at gluten free pancakes came out weird. I ended up adding cornmeal and potato flakes to it and serving the potato cakes for dinner with cheese. Which worked so no waste, but she was mad. And she shares her daddy’s temper. Well I have all summer to figure this out and plan on packing her lunch for next year. It is hard enough explaining sis’s allergies, trying to explain gluten free to the school…not looking forward to it.

So this means…total purge of my cabinets. Cleaning, vacuuming, and scrubbing flour residue out of the cabinets. Finding noodle and flour substitutes that work. Believe it or not the bread was the easiest to replace. Potato bread is “white” now and not much more expensive.

Nana has been struggling with Bee’s allergies and is thinking about trying gluten free too. It’s not much different from dairy free so not much harder. Her kids’ allergies defy reason. One has pork, turkey and oranges. One has beef, bananas and carrots. And Bee has beef and dairy. No logic involved. And F is allergic to raw veggies.

Makes me wonder what I am really allergic to. Tiny having celiac means either me or Superman has it also. And since Superman has had an upper and lower GI scope and it was never mentioned…it’s probably me. So I am going gluten free too!

Well enough for this time…if you have comments and/or suggestions on making the gluten free transition easier let me know.

Till next time…

Help! My computer won’t let me post! and Meet Jo-Nana!

Help! My computer won’t let me post!

Finally…back online. I have been having trouble posting lately. I have lost 3 posts, due to my assumption that electronics work when they are supposed to. Ha-ha, like that ever happens.

Meet Jo-Nana!

          This past fall my Sis fell in love. With a baby! We all did. And her parents and sisters and brother. 

*Entrance Jo-Nana*

          Jo-Nana, her superman, 3 girlies and one boy have become regular staples in our home. And us in theirs. Super card players, pitch in meal ideas and me with built in baby sitters! Well Jo-Nana and her crew go to church with us and even though the kiddos are not even close in age they fit right in. I get baby time and she sees what her girls are gonna act like in 5-10 years.

          Her children are A 6 years, Buddy 4 years, Bear 3 years and Bee just turned 1. Jo-Nana and F (her superman) are younger than me and mine but we don’t notice. They are as crazy as we are. F and Superman have similar interests and backgrounds. And crazy enough the same sense of humor too. Jo-Nana and I are too peas that lost their pod. Crazy, frugal, and seem to love that weird sense of humor the two guys have.

          Of course, if you knew sis you would know she is addicted to children. The babies love her and she loves them all. Strangers’ children come to her in the store for a hug. I have never seen anything like it. Bug likes the older ones. She likes that they play games with her and snuggle. Tiny and A are buddies. A loves that she gets to hang out with a “big girl” and she feels special.

We are driving my Superman crazier than usual. Two girls, turned women, think they are ruling the world. The tiny one just thinks she is a big person and has the attitude to match. As my dad always said…We need stock in TP and Maxi Pads! Wow! Hormones are raging and tempers are flaring. We need spring! We all have cabin fever and I feel sorry for my Superman and Jo-Nana’s too. (He’s just too quiet and doesn’t complain like mine.) When we all get out of the house it should be easier.

So, just after Christmas we tried the freezer meals idea. One day of cooking marathon style and a month worth of freezer meals.

Issue 1: We talk too much! One day turned into 2 and only half of the recipes we wanted to make happened.

Issue 2: One stove. Some of the things need pre-cooked and we didn’t have enough burners.

Issue 3: Too many kids. Well I don’t foresee them leaving soon. Hopefully it will be easier when we can throw them outside.

What we learned

  1. Marinades are great! Pour them in with frozen IQF chicken or any other meat and freeze. It marinades as it thaws in the fridge. *Must be thawed in fridge. Fast thaw in cold water doesn’t give it time to marinate.
  2. Noodles don’t freeze well. At least not cooked ones. They come out chewy and weird.
  3. Glass doesn’t either. I have had bad luck with mason jars in the freezer. I just have a no glass rule now.
  4. Canning is awesome. Superman made his awesome tomato sauce and we canned it. I don’t know how long it would have lasted because it only made it 3 weeks at our house. We LOVE it! (Sorry I have not been given the recipe so I can’t share it. I do know he said simmering for 1 hour or more makes it magic.)

Are we going to try it again? YES we are. We are frugal MOMmas and we have to save money somehow.

 We are also trying a DIY dishwasher tablets recipe. I’ll let you know how that goes.

(Jo-Nana tried them and this was the FB message I got)

JO-NANA: The homemade dishwasher tabs suck. Leave a film worse than cheap tablets the homemade low seems to work okay an keeps towels softer without softener, but I do. Like the chunks. I have 2 more bottles, do u wanna try it and see what u think?

ME: sure, i also have a set of curtains if you want them. I've been using vinegar as fabric softener and haven't had to use dryer sheets.

JO-NANA: Jeez u could interpret that? What i get for typing on phone

Translation: They didn’t work, but she made the laundry detergent and it worked ok.

Well I have rambled enough for this time. Hope you could keep up.

Till next time…